Hey,I was thinking that this is a WEBMASTER forum and commonly we forget the name of the owner but the website. We associate the website with the owner very much. I was thinking if we could make something like website karma. Here, you can understand this better now:

When we click on a website, it will redirect to that website like it does now. But when we will click on "Website(s):" , it will take to the person's profile's website column and there we can add comments/ratings/description or anything. This will of course generate better activity and also the discussions will be far better than what are being done here nowadays (like what did you eat today thread )

Also, of course if this has to be custom coded, we can remove any feature mentioned here which may(may not) be difficult to code. This is a big forum now and we need to build a KWWHUNCTION feel.

P.S:I don't know if there is already a mod or anything like this in vb, i just got this idea by myself so don't just start complaining.
Nitish Reviewed by Nitish on . website karma Hey,I was thinking that this is a WEBMASTER forum and commonly we forget the name of the owner but the website. We associate the website with the owner very much. I was thinking if we could make something like website karma. Here, you can understand this better now: http://i.imgur.com/mJyNP.png When we click on a website, it will redirect to that website like it does now. But when we will click on "Website(s):" , it will take to the person's profile's website column and there we can add Rating: 5